[Solved] Is it possible to create an xml and .java file in eclipse? [closed]

You should create your XMLs first, even if they’re blank, so that you can programmatically add items onto your view. If you don’t have many stuff to change in your view, and you’re a beginner, I’d suggest you to keep your current XML and chenge your items in it programmatically (e.g. make a button, some text invisible/visible)

As far as I know, there’s no way for you to programmatically add a new .java and write stuff onto it after your application has been compiled and is running. So you might want to add all of your behaviour in your .java and think of a logic to use the code you want on certain occasions only.

Cheers and good luck


Just locate your files in your explorer and do a regular copy and paste of the files you want and rename them to something else.


solved Is it possible to create an xml and .java file in eclipse? [closed]