[Solved] Invert 7th bit of hex string C++ [duplicate]

#include <stdio.h>

void flipme(char *buf, const char *inBuf)
    int x;
    sscanf(inBuf, "%x", &x);
    x ^= 1 << 17;
    sprintf(buf, "%06X", x);

int main(void)
    char buf[16];

    flipme(buf, "002A05");
    printf("002A05->%s\n", buf);

    flipme(buf, "ABCDEF");
    printf("ABCDEF->%s\n", buf);



You wrote:

I tried converting hex string to integer via strtol, but that function strip leading zeros.

The strtol function converts it to a number. It doesn’t mean anything to say it strips leading zeroes because numbers don’t have leading zeroes — “6” and “06” are two different ways of writing the same number. If you want leading zeroes when you print it, you can add them then.


solved Invert 7th bit of hex string C++ [duplicate]