[Solved] I Don’t Know What is argv and what’s different with raw_input()?

argv stands for argument value and it represents the arguments passed to your program when it is launched from the command line.

For example, if your program is called example.py, and you run it like this:

$ example.py 'hello'

Then argv is hello.

raw_input is a way to prompt the user for some input. Basically, it will stop the program, display some text (as a prompt, but this is optional) and only continue when the user enters something. You can then store what the user entered.

If you have the following:

username = raw_input('Please enter your name: ')
print('Your name is: {}'.format(username))

Your program will run like this:

$ example.py
Please enter your name: Burhan
Your name is: Burhan


solved I Don’t Know What is argv and what’s different with raw_input()?