[Solved] How to Shift an array circularly on VBA [closed]

Option Explicit
Option Base 1 

Sub shiftCircArray()
Dim iInputArray(3) As Integer
iInputArray(1) = 1
iInputArray(2) = 2
iInputArray(3) = 3
Dim iArray2() As Integer
iArray2 = RotateArrayRight(iInputArray)
End Sub

Function RotateArrayRight(ArrayToRotate)
Dim objNewArray() As Integer, iOldArrayPos As Integer, iNewArrayPos As Integer, iArrayLength     
As Integer
Dim iPlacesToRotate As Integer
' Check that the array to be processed has been initialized
iPlacesToRotate = Application.CountA(ArrayToRotate)
If iPlacesToRotate <> 0 Then 
    ' Check that the number of places to rotate is greater than zero - running the
    ' function with a value
    ' of places to rotate which is less than zero would cause problems, possibly causing            
    'the function to crash
    If iPlacesToRotate > 0 Then
        ' get the length of the array to rotate, we'll be using it a few times so will
        ' load it into a local variable at the start of the function
        iArrayLength = Application.CountA(ArrayToRotate)
        ' Array will be initialised from 0 to ArrayLength -1
        ' so it will contain ArrayLength elements
        ReDim objNewArray(iArrayLength)
        ' This will remove any extra complete rotations through the array
        ' The mod operator returns the remainder of an integer divide operation
        ' Initialise the array position indexes
        iOldArrayPos = iPlacesToRotate
        iNewArrayPos = 1
        ' Copy objects from one array to the next
        ' First start at iPlacesToRotate into the old array
        ' and copy to the start of the new array.
        While iOldArrayPos < iArrayLength + 1
            objNewArray(iNewArrayPos) = ArrayToRotate(iOldArrayPos)
            iOldArrayPos = iOldArrayPos + 1
            iNewArrayPos = iNewArrayPos + 1
            iOldArrayPos = 1
            ' Copy from the start of the old array into the end of the
            ' new array
        While iOldArrayPos < iPlacesToRotate
            objNewArray(iNewArrayPos) = ArrayToRotate(iOldArrayPos)
            iOldArrayPos = iOldArrayPos + 1
            iNewArrayPos = iNewArrayPos + 1
    MsgBox ("Values for 'Places to Rotate' must be greater than zero.")
    End If
MsgBox ("Cannot rotate an null array.")
End If
RotateArrayRight = objNewArray()
End Function

solved How to Shift an array circularly on VBA [closed]