[Solved] How to perform this printing in for loop?

Use zip and slices

>>> for i,j in zip(en[::2],en[1::2]):
...    print("{}{}".format(i,j))

As Steven Rumbalski mentions in a comment you can also do

>>> it = iter(en)
>>> for i,j in zip(it, it):
...    print i,j
1 2
3 4
5 6

it here is an iterator over the list. Hence it gives out the next value in the list whenever it’s next method is called. Once the end is reached, it raises an exception (StopIteration) after which the iteration stops. The zip internally calls next of the iterator. Hence everytime it returns two adjacent values together, as you are calling the same object. In this way we can get the desired output.


solved How to perform this printing in for loop?