[Solved] how to make the statement to repeat itself until it gets true?

A possible solution is to use do...while. This code will keep display alert('invalid number of grades, please insert again') and window.prompt until it meets you condition. Then it will window.prompt for user to enter the number.

const grades = [];
let gradeAmount = Number(prompt('insert a number between 1 and 5'));
if(gradeAmount < 1 || gradeAmount > 5){
alert('invalid number of grades, please insert again');
  gradeAmount = Number(prompt('insert a number between 1 and 5'));
 while(gradeAmount < 1 || gradeAmount > 5)
   for (let i = 0; i < gradeAmount; i++) {
    const grade = Number(prompt('insert the grade'));



solved how to make the statement to repeat itself until it gets true?