[Solved] How to make a RecyclerView with a ratngBar inside it so the the user can rate the RecylerView items

You need to use add the OnRatingBarChangeListener to handle the OnRatingBarChanged event.

Add the necesary code to the onBindViewHolder method:

public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull FoodViewHolder foodViewHolder, int i) {
    FoodItem currentItem = arrayList.get(i);

    foodViewHolder.viewHolderRatigBar.setOnRatingBarChangeListener(new RatingBar.OnRatingBarChangeListener(){
        public void onRatingBarChanged(RatingBar ratingBar, float rating, boolean fromUser){

The value “rating” passed to the onRatingBarChanged() method is of type float so you will need to change your FoodItem class to accommodate this type.

If you wish to persist this value you will need to include some mechanism to save the new rating value–perhaps in a database.


solved How to make a RecyclerView with a ratngBar inside it so the the user can rate the RecylerView items