[Solved] How to build a tree from a plain data structure

I guess you’re looking to organize the whole array so items are children of some states. Run the following snippet to get a JSON-serialized result to check it (click show code snippet to see the code and run it!):

var arr = [{
  id: "1",
  state: "1",
  ndi: "1558.3045298",
  children: "null"
}, {
  id: "2",
  state: "1",
  ndi: "1684.0732025",
  children: "null"
}, {
  id: "3",
  state: "1",
  ndi: "1809.8418752",
  children: "null"
}, {
  id: "4",
  state: "2",
  ndi: "1915.1603572",
  children: "null"
}, {
  id: "5",
  state: "2",
  ndi: "2023.5463678",
  children: "null"

// This is going to hold states by id
var states = {};

// We iterate the array to get an organized by state children version
arr.forEach(function(item) {
  // If state by id object hasn't the id yet we create an state object
  // for current state id. There will be no duplicated states.
  if (!states.hasOwnProperty(item.state)) {
    states[item.state] = {
      id: item.state,
      children: []

  // We add the item to the state by id object

  // This re-defines the state property to point to the 
  // item's parent state
  item.state = states[item.state];

  // We drop this property from the item because it's
  // disturbing the new organized tree ;)
  delete item.children;

var alreadySerialized = [];

// The second argument is required to avoid cyclic object
// serialization.
// Learn more here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify
document.getElementById("result").textContent = JSON.stringify(states, function(key, val) {
  if (val != null && typeof val == "object") {
    if (alreadySerialized.indexOf(val) >= 0) {
  return val;
<div id="result"></div>

Here’s a sample resulting data after the transformation:



solved How to build a tree from a plain data structure