[Solved] How to format HTTP request to discord API?

t="POST / HTTP/1.0\r\nAuthentication: Bot {token}\r\nHost: discord.com/api/guilds/{702627382091186318}/channels\r\n\r\n"

This is not a valid HTTP request. You essentially send (line breaks added for clarity):

 POST / HTTP/1.0\r\n
 Authentication: Bot {token}\r\n
 Host: discord.com/api/guilds/{702627382091186318}/channels\r\n

But a correct POST request would look like this instead:

 POST /api/guilds/{702627382091186318}/channels HTTP/1.0\r\n
 Authentication: Bot {token}\r\n
 Host: discord.com\r\n
 Content-length: ...
 <body, where size matches Content-length header>

I.e. you have the wrong path, wrong Host header, missing body and missing Content-length header. If you really want to write your own HTTP stack instead of using existing libraries please study the standards instead of just guessing how it might look – that what standards are for.


solved How to format HTTP request to discord API?