[Solved] How to convert multiple string into arraylist?

As 4castle suggest, you should really have a custom class – which looking at the properties you are interested in, you might want to name “CallLogEntry” and then have properties for this class. Here is an example of such a custom class.

public class CallLogEntry {
  String number;
  String type;
  String date;
  String duration; //this should ideally be of type Long (milliseconds)  

      public CallLogEntry(){
       //do stuff if necessary for no-params constructor

      public CallLogEntry(String number, String type, String date, String duration){
        this.number = number;
        this.type = type;
        this.date = date;
        this.duration = duration;

      //getters and setters go here..
      getNumber(){ return this.number;}
      setNumber(String number){ this.number = number;}
      //...the rest of them...

Than it makes more sense to have an ArrayList of CallHistoryEntry items like this:

//...declare list of call-log-entries:
List<CallLogEntry> callLogEntryList = new  ArrayList<CallLogEntry>();
//...add entries 
CallLogEntry entry = new CallLogEntry(number, type, date, duration);

The advantage of doing it like this, especially in an Android app, is that later you may pass this list to some list-adapter for a list-view.

I hope this helps.


solved How to convert multiple string into arraylist?