[Solved] How to check with more RegEx for one address in python using re.findall()

Finally I got answer from here

How to combine multiple regex into single one in python?

Working fine this

import re
re1 = r'\d+\.\d*[L][-]\d*\s[A-Z]*[/]\d*'
re2 = '\d*[/]\d*[A-Z]*\d*\s[A-Z]*\d*[A-Z]*'
re3 = '[A-Z]*\d+[/]\d+[A-Z]\d+'
re4 = '\d+[/]\d+[A-Z]*\d+\s\d+[A-z]\s[A-Z]*'

sentences = [string1, string2, string3, string4]
generic_re = re.compile("(%s|%s|%s|%s)" % (re1, re2, re3, re4)).findall(sentence)

solved How to check with more RegEx for one address in python using re.findall()