[Solved] how to break 10 digit number into two 5 digit number in c?

If you have char arr[10] = "1234567890" as per your question, note that it is not a string since it has no room for the NUL terminator (would need size 11, or left empty [] for the compiler to count for you). Assuming you want two strings out of it, you need to copy the two halves to separate arrays, e.g.:

char topHalf[6], bottomHalf[6];         // 6 = 5 + NUL
(void) memcpy(topHalf, arr, 5);         // copy 5 chars from beginning of arr
(void) memcpy(bottomHalf, arr + 5, 5);  // arr + 5 to skip the 5 in topHalf
topHalf[5] = '\0';                      // terminate string
bottomHalf[5] = '\0';                   // "


solved how to break 10 digit number into two 5 digit number in c?