[Solved] How to add SQL data into variable?

Here is a pattern to follow, place your data operations in a separate class and call in your form. Here Login class could be whatever you want to call it with required properties.

public class Login
    public int Id { get; set; }
    . . .

Mocked data class, here since select * is used rather than specifying only required columns I assume the first column is the primary key which it may or may not be so adjust as needed and add other columns/properties to the Login class instance.

public class DataOperations
    // caller validates parameters have values
    public static Login DoSomething(string userName, string sifre)
        Login login = new Login();

        var selectStatement = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE username= @userName AND sifre = @sifre";

        using (var cn = new SqlConnection("TODO"))
            using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, cn))
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@userName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = userName;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@sifre", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = sifre;


                var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                if (!reader.HasRows) return login;
                login.Id = reader.GetInt32(0);

        return login;

Call the method above in your form

Login login = DataOperations.DoSomething("TODO", "TODO");


solved How to add SQL data into variable?