[Solved] How to Access Child Item In JSON Array

I think you’re implementing wrong Retrofit callback in your code. As I can see you’re receiving first a JSONObject called photos that contains a JSONArray photo, so your code should look like this

Call<PhotoResult> call = apiInterface.getImages(query);
call.enqueue(new Callback<PhotoResult>() {...}

As you can see, the callback object is PhotoResult that is the root level of your json response, and inside you should retrieve the List<Photo> collection.

To generate your POJOs you can use this website

Your POJOs should be like this

public class PhotoResult {
    public Photos photos;

public class Photos {
    public Integer page;
    public Integer pages;
    public Integer perpage;
    public String total;
    public List<Photo> photo = new ArrayList<Photo>();

public class Photo {


solved How to Access Child Item In JSON Array