[Solved] How do you save the inputs into text file? [closed]

Your question seems to have two main parts to it: how do I get inputs in Python and how do I save data to a file in Python.

To get input from the terminal:

>>> data = input('Input: ')
>>> Input: hello, world!

To save to a file:

>>> with open('output.txt', 'w') as f:
>>>    f.write(data)

You can find more information about inputs here and file i/o here

Edit 0: @Gazzer, if you want to save sentence + input you’ll need to do f.write(sentence + input) rather than using .save().

Edit 1: @Gazzer, I got something like the below to work (note: the code does not show position of the found word):

sentence = input("Please input a sentence: ")
word = input("Please enter word and position wil be shown: ")
with open('output.txt', 'w') as f:
    f.write('{} {}'.format(sentence, word))

If you run into more issues, there are hundreds of resources all over the web to ask for help. Stack Overflow, learnprogramming, and many more.

Next time you ask a question, it is really helpful for those answering if you provide a code snippet you are working on and what the problem/errors are.


solved How do you save the inputs into text file? [closed]