[Solved] How do install a python module

The package you’re looking for has an empty description on PyPI and installs nothing when you install it.

If you click on the Homepage link, it’s a GitHub repo containing nothing but a README file saying:

I really don’t have time to maintain this library further. If you want to fork it or use it despite lack of maintenance, feel free to clone locally and revert one commit.

So, whatever this package used to provide before December 2017, it no longer does.


  1. Just accept that the book is obsolete and therefore useless. Even if it’s only a year old. (Somewhere I still have a book that’s mostly about guesses about what’s going to be in Java 1.1… nowadays, I don’t usually buy books unless they’re about ancient-enough-to-be-stable technology.)

  2. If you really want to, you can do what that README suggests. But honestly, if you don’t know enough about Git to fork the repo and revert the blanking commit, enough about pip to install from a Git repo, and enough about Python to update and maintain the code, that’s not going to do you any good.

  3. You could try searching for other forks of the library on Github, but trying to figure out if one of them is being maintained by someone who knows what they’re doing just by looking over the repos is pretty much impossible if you don’t know enough about what they’re doing.

  4. You could try to find some Python Bitcoin programming community mailing list, IRC channel, forum, chat site, whatever and ask people there what they’re doing. Stack Overflow is definitely not the right place to ask that. The lists and channels on Python’s Community site might at least be able to point you in the right direction. Or maybe the Software Recommendations Stack Exchange, but be sure to read their help first and see if it’s on topic.

solved How do install a python module