[Solved] How do I achieve the equivalent of type shadowing by a derived class?

So, if this is just a thought-experiment, then the answer is “You can’t do that”.

If you actually want a hierarchy where your derived classes have different types, you could do something like this:

class Base
     virtual void bar() = 0;

class A: public Base
     void bar() { ... do stuff here }
     typedef int foo_t;

class B: public Base
     void bar() { ... do stuff here }
     typedef float foo_t;

Alternatively, if inheritance isn’t required:

template<typename T>
class TemplateA
   typedef T foo_t;
   void bar() { ... do stuff here ... }

typedef TemplateA<int> A;
typedef TemplateA<float> B;

What the virtual function gives is that you can have a:

vector<Base&> v; 
A a;
B b;

and use it in a generic way. Templates don’t give quite that flexibility (in this example, it would of course be possible to produce some sort of templated solution that also has a base-class, and then the both solutions are more or less identical)

It all depends on what your thoughtexperiment actually is trying to solve – even if it’s just a thoughtexperiment, these two solutions will have different pro’s and con’s, depending on how you want to use them.

solved How do I achieve the equivalent of type shadowing by a derived class?