[Solved] Google map API Term of Service [closed]

From the FAQ:

Can I use the Google Maps API on a commercial website? As long as your
site is generally accessible to consumers without charge, you may use
the Google Maps API. For example, if your website is supported by
advertising, it likely falls within the Google Maps API Terms of
Service. If you charge people to place information on your map (e.g.
to list their homes for sale), but you display this information using
the Google Maps API on a free part of your site, you’ll also meet the
Google Maps API Terms of Service.

However, not all commercial uses are allowed. For example, if your
site meets any of the following criteria you must purchase the
appropriate Google Maps API for Business license:

Your site is only available to paying customers. Your site is only
accessible within your company or on your intranet. Your application
relates to enterprise dispatch, fleet management, business asset
tracking, or similar applications. Remember, Google reserves the right
to suspend or terminate your use of the Google Maps API at any time,
so please ensure that you read the Terms of Service carefully.

And from exceptions:

(b) Mobile Applications. (i) The rule in Section 9.1.1(a) (Free
Access) does not apply if your Maps API Implementation is used in a
mobile application that is sold for a fee through an online store and
is downloadable to a mobile device that can access the online store.

The way I read this is that you may use the API for commercial purposes if you develop for an app sold for a fee. I highly doubt that any of this applies to in-app purchases, which Google does not explicitly reference.

PLEASE NOTE however that NONE of us will be able to give you legal advice. The Google team will not give you any legal advice either. You NEED to consult with a lawyer for full legal advice.


solved Google map API Term of Service [closed]