[Solved] Getting a none type error python 3?

In insertEnd, you’re guaranteeing you always have None for actualnode at the end of the loop:

def insertEnd(self, data):
    self.size += 1
    newnode = Node(data)
    actualnode = self.head

    # Keep going until actualnode is None
    while actualnode is not None:
        actualnode = actualnode.nextnode

    # Here actualnode will always be None
    actualnode.nextnode = newnode

To fix this, just change your while loop condition:

while actualnode.nextnode is not None:
    actualnode = actualnode.nextnode

Note that this assumes self.head is always non-None. You should probably explicitly check for this condition. Maybe something like this:

def insertEnd(self, data):
    self.size += 1
    newnode = Node(data)
    if self.head is None:
        self.head = newnode
        actualnode = self.head
        while actualnode.nextnode is not None:
            actualnode = actualnode.nextnode
        actualnode.nextnode = newnode

solved Getting a none type error python 3?