[Solved] Get dropdown values using angular [closed]

You should use [(ngModel)]. For this, first you map your persons adding to properties “check” and “test”.

When you get the data, use “map” to add the properties

this.http.get(dataUrl).subscribe(response => {
  this.persons = response.data.map(x=>({...x,check:false,test:'test'}));

Then you can change your .html, see how to disable you use [disabled]="!person.check?true:null"and the [(ngModel)]="person.check" and [(ngModel)]="person.test"

  <tr *ngFor="let person of persons">
        <input [(ngModel)]="person.check" type="checkbox" 
               class="checkboxCls" name="id"></td>
    <td>{{ person.id }}</td>
    <select [disabled]="!person.check?true:null" [(ngModel)]="person.test" 
      <option *ngFor="let prod of ProductHeader" [value]="prod.name" >{{prod.name}}</option>

See that you don’t need jQuery nor (click) in options and you can pass the value of the test in change function

Your forked stackblizt


solved Get dropdown values using angular [closed]