[Solved] Find RegEx for Pattern [closed]

Unless the text always comes in a very regular fashion, regex is not a suitable for parsing source code like this. You should write/use a parser instead.


  • There will be no DECLARE statements between CREATE FUNCTION and BEGIN
  • There will not be any other statements in between the DECLARE statements
  • There will always be at least one DECLARE statement

You can use a regex like this:


Note that this can cause catastrophic backtracking if there are no DECLARE statements. If the input could have no DECLARE statements, you could just match the (?:\s+DECLARE.+)+ part, and get the other two groups with substring:

String input = "CREATE FUNCTION ...\n" +
        "...\n" +
        "...\n" +
        "BEGIN\n" +
        "\n" +
        "  DECLARE ...\n" +
        "  DECLARE ...\n" +
        "...\n" +
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(?:\\s+DECLARE.+)+").matcher(input);
if (m.find()) {
    String firstPart = input.substring(0, m.start());
    String secondPart = m.group();
    String thirdPart = input.substring(m.end());


solved Find RegEx for Pattern [closed]