[Solved] Find all records which does not exist in table sqlite [closed]

Left join input list to the target table/column and keep rows having NULL in the fields from the “words” table.

    query_input(word) AS (
        VALUES ('word 1'), ('word 2'), ('word 0'), ('word 3'), ('word 5')
    -- Remove this CTE when querying against your db.
    dict(id, word, definition) AS (
            (1, 'word 1', 'definition 1'),
            (2, 'word 2', 'definition 2'),
            (3, 'word 3', 'definition 3')
    new_words AS (
        SELECT query_input.*
        FROM query_input
        LEFT JOIN dict ON query_input.word = dict.word
        WHERE dict.id IS NULL
SELECT * FROM new_words;


solved Find all records which does not exist in table sqlite [closed]