[Solved] FBX model’s faces (some) are not rendering properly

Saw your question on my youtube video.

It looks to me like some of your triangles are being culled out on the extended bar. Maybe some of the triangles on the bar have incorrect winding? Something to check for. Check the winding on the triangles and play around with the opengl cull face.

as for the shading, I’ve seen something resembling this before. It looks like you may need to enable smooth shading, instead of flat shading. Try calling glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);

Also try calling glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D). If a texture is enabled and appropriate texture coordinates are not given, it can result in weird flat shaded triangles like you’re seeing.

The only other possibility I can think of is just that your normals are not properly set up. Here are a few reasons this could be happening:

  1. You did not properly export the normals.
  2. You did not properly import the normals into your vertex buffer objects, or however you cache the information
  3. Your shaders (assuming you’re not using immediate mode) are not reading or processing then normals correctly.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

solved FBX model’s faces (some) are not rendering properly