[Solved] Error to connect to angular docker container

I don’t know if is your case,
but solely this issue is related to Alpine vs Slim in the Docker image.

So to solve I think you can try with:

docker exec -it your_container_name sh

let me know if this fix your problem.

Have a nice day


mon-project-angular_web_1 is the name of your image not the container name.

to open a shell to image you need to use:

docker run mon-project-angular_web_1 sh

now your inside the image and you can go with your shell.

on the other side docker exec, works with container; so to connect to your container you should go with:

docker exec -it container_name/container_id sh

container hold your image so the syntax for each ones is a little bit different.

to give a name to your container you need to go in your docker-compose and under services you need to add:

container_name: your_awesome_container_name.

Hope it helps.


solved Error to connect to angular docker container