[Solved] ERROR: The operator != is undefined for the argument type(s) boolean, int


This error occurs when the operator != (not equal to) is used with incompatible data types. The operator != is only valid for comparing two values of the same data type. In this case, the operator != is being used to compare a boolean value with an integer value, which is not allowed. To resolve this error, the two values must be of the same data type.


The operator != is not valid for comparing a boolean and an int. To compare a boolean and an int, you must use the comparison operator ==.

you can’t “double compare” like that. try this for type int:

(t != 0) && (arrivalTime[i] <= t)

..but you probably rather want t > 0


solved ERROR: The operator != is undefined for the argument type(s) boolean, int

The operator != is an inequality operator that is used to compare two values and determine if they are not equal. It is defined for the argument types boolean and int, and can be used to compare two boolean values or two int values. For example, if you wanted to compare two boolean values, you could use the != operator to determine if they are not equal. Similarly, if you wanted to compare two int values, you could use the != operator to determine if they are not equal.

The operator != is an inequality operator that is used to compare two values and determine if they are not equal. It is defined for the argument types boolean and int, and can be used to compare two boolean values or two int values.

For example, if you wanted to compare two boolean values, you could use the != operator to determine if they are not equal. The syntax for this would be:

boolean1 != boolean2

Similarly, if you wanted to compare two int values, you could use the != operator to determine if they are not equal. The syntax for this would be:

int1 != int2

The != operator is a useful tool for comparing two values and determining if they are not equal. It is defined for the argument types boolean and int, and can be used to compare two boolean values or two int values.