If you do not provide any constructor in your class, the compiler will automatically create one for you.
In your class, you have specified a particular constructor:
MonthData(double, int, double, double, int, double, double);
As soon as you provide any constructor, the compiler will not create a default constructor (i.e. one that takes no parameters).
You are calling
MonthData data();
You are passing no parameters here but you have no constructor that takes no parameters.
You probably meant to call
MonthData data(with 7 parameters);
Alternatively, add the following to your MonthData class body:
Then in your data.cpp, need to provide the code for what this constructor should do, i.e.
//Initialise as required - but better to use a member initialization list
It would be better to use a member initialization list for your 7 member variables.
For example:
: year(2014), month(2), temp_maximum(15.4), temp_minimum(2.1), air_frost(5), rain(5.6), sun(7.6) //Use desired default values
This simple constructor code could instead be put directly in the class body in the header file:
class MonthData
//overload constructor
MonthData(double y, int m, double max, double min, int fr, double r, double s)
: year(y), month(m), temp_maximum(max), temp_minimum(min), air_frost(fr), rain(r), sun(s) {};
//default constructor
: year(2014), month(2), temp_maximum(15.4), temp_minimum(2.1), air_frost(5), rain(5.6), sun(7.6) {};
In addition – review your variable types. Should year really be a double? Also you have month declared as a double but your accessor returns an int.
solved Error In classes C++