[Solved] Doing Age Calculations via OOP [closed]

You can use the DateTime class to easily manipulate dates. I have put the $dateFormat outside of the method because you could also use that to validate your input in setBirthDate if you saw fit.

protected $dateFormat="m/d/Y";

public function getAge()
    // Create a DateTime object from the expected format
    return DateTime::createFromFormat($this->dateFormat, $this->birthDate)

        // Compare it with now and get a DateInterval object
        ->diff(new DateTime('now'))

        // Take the years from the DateInterval object

Note that I used m/d/Y for the date format because as per the comments, the mm/dd/yyyy does not do what you expect. For example, Y is a 4 digit year.

Ignore the ugly syntax, it’s just so I could explain what each bit does.


solved Doing Age Calculations via OOP [closed]