I would use findall
for this..
>>> import re
>>> s="AN : GSHJ488GL67 Customer : sh3893 Acnt No : cgk379gu Name : xyz"
>>> re.findall(r'\b(?:AN|Acnt No) : (\w+)', s)
['GSHJ488GL67', 'cgk379gu']
\b # the boundary between a word character and not a word character
(?: # group, but do not capture:
AN # 'AN'
| # OR
Acnt No # 'Acnt No'
) # end of grouping
: # ' : '
( # group and capture to \1:
\w+ # word characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _) (1 or more times)
) # end of \1
solved Defining regular expression