[Solved] Cross Platform C++ UI Application [closed]

There are a great deal of possibilities that you can look at. One that I have had one of the greatest experiences with is the Simple Directmedia Layer. It doesn’t come with a drag-and-drop graphics designer like Visual Studio (Is that what you mean by ‘UI designer’?). However its api is fairly powerful and as its based off of OpenGL it works on all major platforms. I can’t say how it compares to CodeJock as I have never used CodeJock. As for an IDE, Code::Blocks is a very powerful, cross-platform, and open-source C/C++ IDE. Both of these are free software to use, see their individual licensing for more information. As for the specific features you wish to incorporate in your program a quick Google search will turn up a very large amount of tutorials that you can use.

Code::Blocks: http://www.codeblocks.org/

Simple Directmedia Layer: http://www.libsdl.org/

I hope this helps,



P.S. If you have any more questions feel free to ask. I remember when I started programming cross-platform, it was difficult but one of the best decisions I ever made.


solved Cross Platform C++ UI Application [closed]