[Solved] Create condition that searches between two different WHEREs in the table

You can do the test for whether it’s home or away in the query itself.

        CASE WHEN robot_on_her_island = ? THEN 'Last_War_on_her_island'
             ELSE 'Last_War_on_island_away'
        END AS which_island,
        points_war_home, points_war_away
    FROM war
    WHERE ? IN (robot_on_her_island, robot_on_island_away)
    LIMIT 1""",
    (select_robot_on_her_island, select_robot_on_her_island))
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row:
    which_island, points_home, points_away = row
    if which_island == 'Last_War_on_her_island':
        print(which_island, points_home, points_away)
        # Swap the points when won on the away island
        print(which_island, points_away, points_home)

BTW, if you just want one row, use fetchone() rather than fetchall()[0].


solved Create condition that searches between two different WHEREs in the table