This looks like a situation where you are going to have to do some custom formatting based on knowing the exact format of the input. You should probably take a sliding window approach using substring with a hardcoded knowledge of the format.
(I used jQuery here for brevity in the demo. Note that the actual formatting is pure javascript.)
var t = $("#date").text();
var result = "On ";
var sub = t.substr(0,17);
t = t.substr(17);
result += sub + "at ";
var pre = t.substr(0,2);
t = t.substr(2,3);
var suffix = "am";
if( parseInt(pre) > 11 ){
suffix = "pm";
if( pre != 12 ){
pre = parseInt(pre) - 12;
result += pre + t + suffix;
return result;
solved Convert date string object to another format [duplicate]