[Solved] Can’t figure out why match result is nil [closed]

Regex is the wrong tool for handling HTML (or XML) 99.9% of the time. Instead, use a parser, like Nokogiri:

require 'nokogiri'

html="<img src="https://filin.mail.ru/pic?width=90&amp;height=90&amp;email=multicc%40multicc.mail.ru&amp;version=4&amp;build=7" style="">"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)

url = doc.at('img')['src'] # => "https://filin.mail.ru/pic?width=90&height=90&email=multicc%40multicc.mail.ru&version=4&build=7"
doc.at('img')['style'] # => ""

Once you’ve retrieved the data you want, such as the src, use another “right” tool, such as URI:

require 'uri'

scheme, userinfo, host, port, registry, path, opaque, query, fragment = URI.split(url)
scheme    # => "https"
userinfo  # => nil
host      # => "filin.mail.ru"
port      # => nil
registry  # => nil
path      # => "/pic"
opaque    # => nil
query     # => "width=90&height=90&email=multicc%40multicc.mail.ru&version=4&build=7"
fragment  # => nil

query_parts = Hash[URI.decode_www_form(query)]
query_parts # => {"width"=>"90", "height"=>"90", "email"=>"[email protected]", "version"=>"4", "build"=>"7"}

solved Can’t figure out why match result is nil [closed]