[Solved] Can anyone explain how to execute a visual studio program? [closed]

At the top of your Visual Studio, you should see the build configurations dropdown. Set that to “Release”.

Build config

Go to the properties of your project. Note, project, not solution. If you have multiple, this should be the one set as startup project. In the properties, go to the “Build” tab. Scroll down a little and you will see the “Output path”, generally under “bin\”. This is a subfolder of your project folder, and it is where you can find your final built files.

Now, once you got your build config set to Release, rebuild the solution (in the menus, it’s “Build” -> “Rebuild Solution”), and then go to that folder. You will see all the built project files in there.

Note that there may be a number of files there that have the name of your project but with .vshost behind your project name. Typical names are ProjectName.vshost.application, ProjectName.vshost.exe, ProjectName.vshost.config, ProjectName.vshost.manifest. Ignore all those; they are for Visual Studio debugging. All the other files in there should be your full program bundle.


solved Can anyone explain how to execute a visual studio program? [closed]