[Solved] Calculate difference between two times in Java [closed]

Have you heard of carryover?

If diff value is <0, add 60 and subtract 1 from next higher value.

From 7 50 25 to 14 25 12:
hour = 14 - 7 = 7
minute = 25 - 50 = -25
second = 12 - 25 = -13

So add 60 seconds, and subtract 1 minute:
second = -13 + 60 = 47
minute = -25 - 1 = -26

So add 60 minutes, and subtract 1 hour:
minute = -26 + 60 = 34
hour = 7 - 1 = 6

hour = 6
minute = 34
second = 47

6 34 47


solved Calculate difference between two times in Java [closed]