This Regex
should do it. The year is currently set to 4 digits, if you only want it to match 2005, replace the \d{4}
Here’s the result:
[Date].[Hierarchy].[Year].&[2005].&[Q1].&[Jan] // matches
[Date].[Hierarchy].[Year].&[2013].&[Q3].&[Jul] // no match
[Date].[Hierarchy].[Year].&[2005].&[Q1].&[Jan].&[20] // no match
Edit to your comment: Make sure you put an @ before the string declaration.
var pattern = new Regex(@"^\[Date\]\.\[Hierarchy\]\.\[Year\]\.&\[\d{4}\]\.&\[Q1\]\.&\[[A-Z-a-z]{3}\]$");
var matches = pattern.IsMatch("[Date].[Hierarchy].[Year].&[2005].&[Q1].&[Jan]");
solved c# Regular Expression for the text below? [closed]