This is less to do with C, and more to do with mathematics.
The hash << 5 + hash expression is the same as hash * 32 + hash or just hash * 33.
Basic algebra states these things are true (these are written in C):
/* #1 */ (a * b + a * c) == (a * (b + c))
/* #2 */ (a) == (a * 1)
Applying #2, we can say:
(hash * 32 + hash) == (hash * 32 + hash * 1)
Now applying #1, we can find:
(hash * 32 + hash * 1) == (hash * (32 + 1))
This can be reduced to:
hash * 33
This is basic mathematics, but maybe you are tired or overworked and just can’t see how this works 🙂
solved C confused about bitwise shift operation