[Solved] Bot Framework 4.0 Equivalent

What you’re looking for is

await <TYPE>Context.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(<YOURDIALOGNAME>), <OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS>, cancellation token

The <TYPE> above means you could be using waterfalls, in which case it would be stepContext or a simple dialog, which would be dialogContext.

so for your bot above, you’d create the PurchaseOrderDialog.cs and SKUNumberDialog.cs, then utilize them as follows:

if (entry)
                JToken commandToken = JToken.Parse(turnContext.Activity.Value.ToString());
                string temp = turnContext.Activity.Value.ToString();
                string command = commandToken["action"].Value<string>();

                if (command.ToLowerInvariant() == "purchaseorder")
                   return await context.BeginDialogAysnc(nameof(PurchaseOrderDialog), cancellationToken)
                else if (command.ToLowerInvariant() == "sku")
                    return await context.BeginDialogAysnc(nameof(SKUNumberDialog), cancellationToken)


The CoreBot in the Bot Framework’s Samples Github Repo here is a good example of how complex dialogs are worked, and there’s an official how-to doc here on working with component and waterfall dialogs, which are unique to v4.


solved Bot Framework 4.0 Equivalent