[Solved] Batch script that will allow to search a particular IP and change it to a new IP address in a .ini file

Try below updated code, please let me know if you still face issues

 @Echo Off 
 SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion 
 if exist new.ini ( del /s /q new.ini ) 
 set "search="
 set "search2="
 set "replace="
 set "replace2="
 for /F "tokens=*" %%a in (Apservice.ini) Do ( 
 Set "filevalue=%%a" 
 Set filevalue=!filevalue:%search%=%replace%!
 Set filevalue=!filevalue:%search2%=%replace2%!
 Echo !filevalue!>>new.ini 
 move /y new.ini Apservice.ini 


solved Batch script that will allow to search a particular IP and change it to a new IP address in a .ini file