[Solved] Android app revenue

Answering your questions:

  1. About 1M developers search for this answer – there is no one answer to that
  2. How much the advertiser is willing to pay for this click (depending on Geos devices etc…)
  3. There are, but you have to be pretty large for that. some networks guarantee cpm based on users location and velocity like ogury
  4. Each network support different refresh rate. refresh rate applies for banners and say how many time to fetch new ad. there are network which can be set to not refresh like admob
  5. You can look for example at the admob dashboard and calculate clicks by time filters. you can also use for example the adsense – admob api for getting more accurate data
  6. Again you can use the apis to get this data but it would be hard to calculate the exact click after it happens


solved Android app revenue