Ok, first you should probably write your regex as:
[\u0600-\u06FF\uFB8A\u067E\u0686\u06AF \.!?:)(,;1234567890%\-_#]+$
Here %\-_
inside [...]
means %
or -
or _
while your %-_
means “any symbol with the code from %
to _
. Try /[%-_]/.exec(")")
and see what I mean: the )
symbol is in that range. I also put \.
which highlights that it is .
symbol, not “any symbol”, although just .
works correctly in this case.
Now, you’d like to allow emails in the text. Well it’s not a simple task, but for simple cases you may use something like
Anyway once you pick the email rexep (may be one of those complicated solutions), you should concatenate it to your regexp like this (I use the simple one shown above):
(?:[\u0600-\u06FF\uFB8A\u067E\u0686\u06AF \.!?:)(,;1234567890%\-_#]|[\w\-]+@[\w\-\.]+\.\w+)+$
This doesn’t handle whitespace, though, meaning that this doesn’t check if there are spaces/tabs/punctuation before and after the email. This means that this text will be valid, too:
<arabic> <arabic> <arabic>email<arabic> <arabic>.
/\ /\ no whitespace or punctuation here
solved allow specif regex only in a block