So this isn’t exactly an answer for the specific way you decided to go about this program but this is a much simpler way:
from random import randrange
def beginner_addition():
A = randrange(1,11) # Increase range on harder questions
B = randrange(1,11) # Ex. for intermediate_addition(), randrange would be (10,21) maybe...
C = A + B
ans = input("What's the answer to " + str(A) + "+" + str(B) + "? ")
if ans == str(C):
while True:
Of course, this is just example code. You could easily include your points system and perhaps move up in difficulty when the points hit a certain level. You could also randomize the operation. Sorry if this isn’t what you want but I saw your code and I figured there is nothing wrong with simplifying your code…
solved How to make every ‘beginner’ shown at random during the run of the program [closed]