[Solved] How to store missing date(15 min interval) points from csv into new file (15 minutes interval) -python 3.5

try this:

In [16]: df.ix[df.groupby(df['datetime'].dt.date)['production'].transform('nunique') < 44 * 4 * 24, 'datetime'].dt.date.unique()
Out[16]: array([datetime.date(2015, 12, 7)], dtype=object)

this will give you all rows for the “problematic” days:

df[df.groupby(df['datetime'].dt.date)['production'].transform('nunique') < 44 * 4 * 24]

PS there is a good reason why people asked you for a good reproducible sample data sets – with the one you have provided it’s hardly possible to see whether the code is working correctly or not…


solved How to store missing date(15 min interval) points from csv into new file (15 minutes interval) -python 3.5