[Solved] What’s wrong in this batch/command script? [closed]

The solution to your issue was provided in the comments by LotPings, the syntax is Set /P "VariableName=PromptMessage" not Set /P "%Variable%=PromptMessage".

Here’s a modified example of your script:

@Echo Off 
Set /P "password=Please enter the correct code in order to continue: "
Echo Loading...
Timeout 5 /NoBreak > Nul
If Not "%password%"=="Puzzle" (
    Echo You have Entered the wrong password, access declined
    GoTo :EndIt
Echo Your next step is "zhekw://vftqi.yczbpw.qzh/jazp/y/"
Rem rest of code here

Exit /B

If case sensitivity for the password input isn’t important, change line 7 to If /I Not…

solved What’s wrong in this batch/command script? [closed]