[Solved] I am getting error while trying to login through valid email and password,which is stored in the database

Hey just remove attr_accessor :password from model. It works

class User
    include Mongoid::Document
        attr_accessor :password//remove this line
        field :name, type: String
        field :category, type: String
        field :email, type: String
        field :password, type: String
        validates :name, presence: true ,format: { with: /\A[a-zA-Z]+\z/} 
        validates :email, presence: true , format: { with: /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-.]+\.[a-z]+\z/i } , uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false } 
        validates :password , presence: true 
        before_save :downcase_fields
        def downcase_fields

field :password will create setter and getter methods for that field which involves in .save operation. But you are overriding mongoid default getter method using attr_accessor :password.

it will be like

def password

here @password is just a instance variable on User model. it will be nil always(because you are not setting any value to it). that’s why it was not working.


solved I am getting error while trying to login through valid email and password,which is stored in the database