[Solved] Any recommendation for a former Rails 2.3 users to migrate to Rails 5.x? [duplicate]

Be aware that this is a multi-step process and can take a long time. Make sure to test for bugs after accomplishing each step since they’ll definitely appear.

  • The first step is migrating from Rails 2.3 to Rails 3.0.
  • Second you want to upgrade to Ruby 1.9.3.
  • Pushing from Rails 3.0 to Rails 5.x is covered by RailsGuides which has excellent documentation. You’ll notice there are a number of interim steps:

    1. Rails 3.0 -> Rails 3.1
    2. Rails 3.1 -> Rails 3.2
    3. Rails 3.2 -> Rails 4.0
    4. Rails 4.0 -> Rails 4.1
    5. Rails 4.1 -> Rails 4.2
    6. Rails 4.2 -> Rails 5.0
    7. Rails 5.0 -> Rails 5.1

I would strongly suggest adding unit tests to core features if you don’t have them. It helps finding issues significantly easier as you progress.

solved Any recommendation for a former Rails 2.3 users to migrate to Rails 5.x? [duplicate]