Option 1
You can nest numpy.where
org['LT'] = np.where(org['ID'].isin(ltlist_set), 1,
np.where(org['ID2'].isin(ltlist_set), 2, 0))
Option 2
Alternatively, you can use pd.DataFrame.loc
org['LT'] = 0 # default value
org.loc[org['ID2'].isin(ltlist_set), 'LT'] = 2
org.loc[org['ID'].isin(ltlist_set), 'LT'] = 1
Option 3
A third option is to use numpy.select
conditions = [org['ID'].isin(ltlist_set), org['ID2'].isin(ltlist_set)]
values = [1, 2]
org['LT'] = np.select(conditions, values, 0) # 0 is default value
solved How to iterate a vectorized if/else statement over additional columns?