If I was coding this myself (rather than trying to explain a method for someone else to code this) I would do the following:
Type ValueAndLevel
dataValue As String
dataLevel As Long
End Type
Dim myData() As ValueAndLevel
Sub Export1()
ReDim myData(1 To 1)
'Start the process in column 1, with level being 0
Process 1, 0
'Get rid of the last dummy entry added to the array
ReDim Preserve myData(1 To UBound(myData) - 1)
End Sub
Sub Process(c As Long, l As Long)
Dim vl As ValueAndLevel
Dim r As Long
Dim c1 As Long
'Start this column at row 2
r = 2
Do While Cells(r, c).Value <> ""
'Store this cell's details
vl.dataValue = Cells(r, c).Value
vl.dataLevel = l
myData(UBound(myData)) = vl
'Increase size of array ready for next value
ReDim Preserve myData(1 To UBound(myData) + 1)
'search for sublevels starting from the column to the right
c1 = c + 1
Do While Cells(1, c1).Value <> ""
If Cells(1, c1).Value = Cells(r, c).Value Then
'If this column's row 1 matches the value we are looking for,
'process the column (at a level one deeper than we were at)
Process c1, l + 1
'Don't look for any more matching values - assume only one per customer
Exit Do
End If
c1 = c1 + 1
'Get ready to process the next row in this column
r = r + 1
End Sub
At the end of Export1
having run, the myData
array will contain the relevant values and their associated levels.
solved VBA Excel tricky “Nested” Column Sorting [closed]