[Solved] Java questions using only for-loops [closed]

For a consider this :

     /*Outputs a serious of 5 numbers, starting at 1.

      The difference between one number to the next one is
      a sequence of numbers, starting at 1 and incremented by 1
      i.e: 1,2,3,4,5

    //represents the difference between one number and the next one.
    //the first difference is 1. 
    int step = 1;

    //represents the numbers to output. Initialized to first number
    int outputNumber = 1;

    //loop over all steps
    for( step=1;  step <= 6 ; step++){

        //do output
        System.out.print(" "+ outputNumber ) ; 
        outputNumber += step; //add step to get the next output number 

for b:

        //the sum of multiplies
        int sumOfMultiples =0;

        //loop that runs from i=1 as long as i*30 <=30
        for(int i = 1; (3*i) <=30; i++){

            sumOfMultiples += 3*i;

            System.out.println("Sum of multiples of 3 from 3 to 30 = "+sumOfMultiples);

I hope that the comments make it clear.


solved Java questions using only for-loops [closed]