[Solved] How can I check time in C++?

You have to use C time function for getting computer clock’s time.

The basic idea is following:

  • Ask the user for “his” time
  • In the same time save the computer’s current time

When is time to showing updated current time:

  • Check computer current time
  • Calculate the users’s current time using previous stored times as a delta

To do this, due to how C “time” function works, I’ve to store in the program the time variables in seconds, so I have to convert hours, minutes and seconds in just one single variable storing seconds.

Here’s the function:

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

class Time {

    time_t userTime;
    time_t computerTime;


    void SetTime(int hour1 = 0, int minute1 = 0, int second1 = 0)
        userTime = hour1 * 60 * 60 + minute1 * 60 + second1; // Convert input time in seconds.
        time(&computerTime); // Get computer's current time.

        cout<<"set time working";

    void display()
        time_t currentComputerTime;
        time(&currentComputerTime); // Get computer's updated current time.

        time_t currentUserTime = userTime + (currentComputerTime - computerTime); // Calculate current user's time in seconds.

        // Convert time_t variable in hours, minutes and seconds.
        int hour   = currentUserTime / (60 * 60);
        int minute = (currentUserTime / 60) % 60; 
        int second = currentUserTime % 60;

        cout<<"hour | minute | second"<<endl;
        cout<<hour<<" "<<minute<<" "<<second;

int main()
    Time time;
    //char om;
    int hour1, minute1,second1;

    cout<<"enter the hour,minute,second: ";


    char pcz[200];

    cout<<"\n The current time?";
    cin >> pcz;


    return 0;


solved How can I check time in C++?