Finally i got the solution :
<vector xmlns:android=""
android:pathData="M439 7416C282 7361 169 7248 113 7090l-23 -65 0 -1751c0 -1693 1 -1753 19 -1806 35 -101 99 -185 184 -241 57 -38 90 -50 442 -162 132 -42 701 -224 1265 -405 564 -180 1084 -346 1155 -368 72 -22 362 -114 645 -206 558 -179 630 -196 749 -177 165 27 267 129 316 316 13 53 15 321 15 2410 0 2572 4 2397 -58 2523 -56 115 -184 223 -310 262 -63 20 -97 20 -2036 20l-1971 0 -66 -24z"
android:fillColor="#ffffff" />
android:pathData="M498 2820C322 2790 207 2702 128 2534L95 2465 92 1476C90 496 90 486 110 424 155 289 255 178 389 112l76 -37 1998 -3 1997 -2 63 21c160 53 293 193 338 357 17 59 19 106 19 407 0 369 -4 404 -56 507 -55 109 -179 205 -304 237 -25 7 -54 16 -65 21 -11 5 -206 68 -433 140 -227 72 -677 214 -1000 316 -323 102 -623 197 -667 211 -44 14 -343 108 -665 210 -322 102 -691 218 -820 259 -240 76 -271 81 -372 64z"
android:fillColor="#ffffff" />
solved How to design tilted diagonal or rounded rectangle drawable resource file for login screen background?